1. 課目名稱/ Course
(中文) 生長因子訊息專題:於癌症治療之應用
(英文) Special Topics in Growth Factor Signaling: Its Application in Cancer
授課老師/Instructor:周裕珽 (Yu-Ting Chou)
學分數/Credit: 2 (須與老師面談後加簽選課)

2. 課程大綱/Course Description
Growth factors play critical roles in tissue homeostasis. Deregulated
expression of growth factors and their receptors contribute to tumor
initiation and progression. Several Targeted therapies blocking deregulated
growth factor signaling achieve successful outcomes in cancer patients. This
course will cover cutting-edge topics including the roles of growth factor
signaling in cell proliferation, differentiation and cancer development. We
will discuss the current progress of the inhibitors of growth factor signaling
in cancer therapies.

3. 授課方式/Teaching Method:
(1) 演講/lecture: 主題式導向/Topic orientation (2) 專題報告及討論/Paper
and discussion
4. 指定用書(Text Books):
Growth factors and their receptors in cell differentiation, cancer and
cancer therapy
Author(s): Gajanan V. Sherbet
Amsterdam ; Boston : Elsevier.
eBook available at NTHU library http://www.lib.nthu.edu.tw/

5. 參考書籍(References):
The EGF receptor family : biologic mechanisms and role in cancer
Amsterdam ; Boston : Elsevier Academic Press, c2004.
eBook available at NTHU library http://www.lib.nthu.edu.tw/

6. 教學進度(Syllabus)
周次 / 內容
Week/周次 Content/授課內容
1 Convergence of Growth-Factor Signalling Pathways in Developmental Systems and
2 Growth Factor Families
3 Growth Factors in Differentiation and Morphogenesis
4 Epidermal Growth Factors and Their Signalling Systems
5 The Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) Family
6 Hepatocyte Growth Factor
7 Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor
8 Insulin-Like Growth Factors
9 Nerve Growth Factors
10 The Fibroblast Growth Factor Family
11 The Platelet-Derived Growth Factor Family
12 Connective Tissue Growth Factor
13 Growth Factor and Hedgehog Signalling Pathways Meet in Developmental Systems
14 Intracellular Receptor Binding Growth Factors
15 The Androgens and Androgen Receptors in Development, Differentiation and
16 Cytokines

7. 課程要求/Course Policies and Requirements: 出席及參預/Attendance and
(40%) +課堂專題報告/Presentation (40%) +家庭作業/Homework (20%)