I. 課程目標和大綱:
Introduction to the mathematical properties of numerical methods and their
applications in computational science and engineering. Study and use of numerical
methods for solutions of linear systems of equations, non-linear least-squares
data fitting, numerical integration of multi dimensional, non-linear equations and
systems of initial value ordinary differential equations.

II. 預備知識: 微積分和線性代數知識.

III. 教科書與參考書:
B. Bradie, A friendly introduction to numerical analysis, 2006, Pearson Prentice

1. David Kincaid and Ward Cheney, Numerical Analysis: Mathematics of Scientific
Computing, 3rd Edition,

2. R. L. Burden and J. D. Faires, Numerical analysis, 8th ed., 2005, Thomson

IV. 成績計算方式: 成績是由以下四個項目
(a) 10% 作業成績
(b) 20% 小考
(c) 40% 兩次期中考, 各佔20%
(d) 30% 期末考. 範圍是整個學期的內容
(e) 10% 小組報告

V. 電腦教室資源: 綜三數學系圖書館內的電腦教室都裝有Matlab可以使用.

VI. 課程網站: 將使用elearn 系統