(Syllabus may be adjusted based on the actual class.)

課程說明 (Course Description)
From the time we are born to adulthood, how do our minds, emotions, and social
abilities develop? Developmental psychology explores how our minds and bodies
change across the lifespan, impacted by the interaction of heredity and
environment as well as the sociocultural contexts (culture, gender,
socioeconomic status, race, and ethnicity, etc.) in which we are raised. Students
will be introduced to key theories, research methods, and research findings
related to human development. This course will be taught in English.

指定用書 (Text Books)
Development Through The Lifespan (7th edition) by Laura E. Berk. Sage

教學方式 (Teaching Method)
Lectures, whole-class discussions, and small-group discussions.

Introduction to developmental psychology
Biological and environmental foundations of development
Prenatal development and the newborn baby
Infancy and toddlerhood: Cognitive development
Infancy and toddlerhood: Socioemotional development
Midterm examination
Early childhood: Cognitive development
Early childhood: Socioemotional development
Middle childhood: Cognitive development
Middle childhood: Socioemotional development
Adolescence: Cognitive development
Adolescence: Socioemotional development
Early and middle adulthood
Late adulthood and death
Final examination

成績考核 (Evaluation)
Midterm examination (25%)
Final examination (25%)
Short papers/discussions (40%)
SONA/research participation (10%)

For all assignments, generative AI will be allowed but must be given proper
credit. Guidelines will be given in class.

相關網頁(Personal Website)