一、課程說明(Course Description)

The purpose of this course is to provide engineering-oriented students
fundamental knowledge of materials science and engineering. It is an extension
of MS1021 course and covers the scopes of material classification (Ch. 9 ~ Ch.
12) and material functionalities (Ch. 13 ~ 17).

二、指定用書(Text Books)

W. F. Smith and J. Hashemi, "Foundations of Materials Science and
Engineering", 6th Ed., McGraw-Hill, ISBN 978-1-260-09203-5

四、教學方式(Teaching Method)




1. CH. 9 Engineering Alloys (W1-W2)
- Iron and steels
- Thermal treatment of carbon-steel
- Cast iron and stainless steels
- Non-ferrous alloys
- Special alloys
2. CH. 10 Polymeric Materials (W3-W4)
- Polymerization reactions
- Thermoplastic & Thermosetting materials
- Mechanical properties of polymeric materials
3. Ch. 11 Ceramics (W5-W6)
- Ceramic crystal structures
- Ceramic Processing
- Mechanical and thermal properties of ceramics
- Glasses
4. CH. 12 Composite Materials (W6-W7)
- Composite material structures
- Mechanical properties of composite materials
- Processing of composite materials
Midterm Exam (W8)
5. CH.13 Corrosion (W9-W10)
- Corrosion and oxidation
- Types of corrosion
- Corrosion kinetics and control
6. CH. 14 Electrical Properties of Materials (W11-W12)
- Electrical conduction in metals
- Electrical conduction in semiconductors
- Semiconductor devices
- Dielectrics
7. CH. 15 Optical Properties and Superconductive Materials (W13-W14)
- Basic optics
- Luminescence
- Lasers and optical fibers
- Superconducting materials
8. CH. 16 Magnetic Materials (W14-W15)
- Types of Magnetism
- Ferromagnetic materials
- Soft & Hard magnetic materials
9. CH. 17 Biological Materials and Biomaterials (W16)
- Biological materials
- Biomaterials for biomedical applications
Final Exam (W17)


Grade: Quiz (40%), Midterm (30%), Final (30%)


Lecture notes can be downloaded from the NTHU eeclass website.