一、課程說明(Course Description)
Health physics is a professional field that cuts across the basic physical, life,
and earth sciences as well as such applied areas as toxicology, industrial
hygiene, medicine, public health, and engineering. The scientific and engineering
aspects of health physics are concerned mainly with (1) the physical measurements
of different types of radiation and radioactive materials, (2) the establishment
of quantitative relationships between radiation exposure and biological damage,
(3) the movement of radioactivity through the environment, and (4) the design of
radiologically safe equipment, processes, and environments. Keywords:Health
Physic, Radiation Protection.

1. Cember, H., & Johnson, T. E. (2009). Introduction to Health
Physics (Fourth Edition). McGraw-Hill Companies.
2. Turner, J. E. (2008). Atoms, Radiation, and Radiation Protection.
John Wiley & Sons. (Ebook download @ NTHU E-Library)

三、教學方式(Teaching Method)
1. 課堂上課: 每星期3小時 (3-hour lecture per week)

Part 1: Health Physics
1. Radiation dosimetry (ch6)
2. Biological Basis for Radiation Safety (ch7) 3. Radiation Safety Guides (ch8)
4. Health Physics instrumentation (ch9)
5. External Radiation Safety (ch10)
6. Internal Radiation Safety(ch11)
7. Evaluation of Radiation Safety measures (ch13)

Part 2: Health Physics in Medicine
1. Radiation Protection in Medicine
2. Diagnostic Reference Level

Part 3: Foundation of Health physics
1. Radiation physical principles (ch2)
2. Atomic and Nuclear Structure (ch3)
3. Radiation sources (ch4)
4. Interaction of radiation with matter (ch5)

1. 課堂參與、作業與討論(homework & quiz):40%
2. 期中考(Midterm):30%
3. 期末考(Final): 30%

1. 國立清華大學eeclase 數位學習平台:https://eeclass.nthu.edu.tw/